Friday, 18 September 2009

Film Review- 'Moon'

In respect to films, 2009 has been disappointing; the same cheap, cliche plots used over and over again. I will admit that some were vaguely entertaining and some could even be called good, but these films were few.

Aren't people starting to lust for something more? Something that makes you think, something exciting, something unique. I definitely have, and I've found it.

'Moon', directed by Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son), is a breathtaking film set in the future. The main character is Sam Bell, played by Sam Rockwell, an astronaut working for a company which is harvesting the surface of the moon with automated machines. Sam Bell's job is to supervise and maintain the machinery for three years, completely isolated from all humans, with only the videos from his family and a monotonous talking robot called GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey) to keep him sane.

Sam reaches the last two weeks of his job and is desperate to return to his wife and daughter, and leave the harsh, cold loneliness of the lunar facility. However when out on the surface of the moon he begins to hallucinate and crashes his moon-buggy into a piece of machinery. What he finds when he goes to repair it forces him to confront whether his three years of solitude have affected him mentally.

Sam Rockwell plays this character beautifully and all the way throughout the film your heart reaches out to him. So go see 'Moon' and be prepared to face the reality of isolation and explore the many possibilities the future could hold.


  1. Don't like Twilight but this sounds good, might give it a view.

  2. Sounds really good, I will try to see it when I can!

  3. Not sure I agree about the films of 2009 being bad (Fantastic Mr Fox, Harry Potter, NEW MOON!, the Proposal) but I am really interested in watching this film...especially considering it features the son of David Bowie!!!

  4. Films of 09 have been good i think

  5. I totally would have gone to see this, if it was playing in Glasgow. It does sound good though, I see the Bowie's are continuing a tradition of being cool. It sounds kinda like Robinson Crusoe except in space...

  6. the films of 09 have been great!!:P
